The Education Academy will be adding a Resource Room experience to the academic schedules of many of our students.  Many students who come to us demonstrate the need for additional teaching of strategies that will assist these young men and women in advocating for themselves independently, so they can work cooperatively, with their teachers and their fellow peers.

Additionally, as educators, we have seen there are many residual effects of the isolation many of our students experienced during the recent Pandemic and continue to experience.  Many parents are still unable to secure therapies and activities outside the home as they had before.  Parents are working from home and require quiet areas to do so.  Gas prices have been so high that parents can not even drive their children to a park to play with others.  These are real situations and we will continue to provide as many real solutions as possible.  (Students IEP’s will reflect on the additional service of Resource Room).

The Education Academy Resource Room will allow for intensive one-to-one and small group instruction in all subject areas the student struggles in.  Students are referred by their academic teachers and service providers.  The Resource Room will allow students to find out what works best for their learning and will in most cases, will actually be adding another teacher to their Academic Support Team.  Sign-ups and schedules will be available to all homeroom teachers and reviewed by our Administrative Team.

Academics will include homework and project assistance, as home environments have changed and the school building must provide study time as well as teaching time, for many students.  All students need a place to focus that is also serene, safe, and set up for remediation, review, and practice.

Social and emotional skills in such a supportive environment will actually coach the students to work successfully with their peers in the structured classroom and outside the classroom.  Students will be able to advocate for themselves to be a part of their own communities safely and productively.

The overall goal for every student who participates in The Education Academy Resource Room is to maximize learning availability and potential to produce successful results, all through inspirational leadership.