A Special Message for our Parents, Districts, and Community Members: Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation/Racism/Cultural Inequities/Social Media Improprieties

Concerned? Have Questions? Parenting Assistance? Confused about child’s statements? Reach out!

Please! No question is a wrong question. Need something cleared up? Please reach out.

Remember the first day we met? I gave all of you my personal cell. The more information I and my staff have better we can serve all our students and their families.

The staff of The Education Academy, inclusive of myself, continue to learn how to address this ever-changing world.  Social Media is so wonderful, but can also be so difficult to manage-especially for the young. It reels you in unknowingly and can make children feel free to voice their thoughts and feelings to strangers and the world. They become so vulnerable at that point and they feel empowered because they are getting likes and thumbs-ups!

Please take the time within your home to sit with your child and become aware of their Social Media presence. I do caution you, it can be alarming, but it is so important for you to be familiar with the sites your child is visiting and with whom he or she thinks they are corresponding with. This same request goes for your child’s cell phone. Think of this situation as you would never allow your child to touch or use something dangerous. Unfortunately, without the proper conversations and rules and directions, children are making poor choices with their Social Media choices and actions and reactions.

The staff of The Education Academy has attended many professional development programs to address bullying, racial bias, cultural awareness, harassment etc. Special Needs children are not exempt from any policies or laws. Special Needs children do however, need much assistance in navigating their world. The Education Academy does everything we can to keep your children safe, happy, and educated during school hours. Please continue this hard work when your children are home, at relatives, at friends, or the sitters.  Your beautiful children whom we have the privilege to service are worth every minute of the guidance you can provide.

The Education Academy is lucky to have the supportive parents we have. Many of our parents have taught this administrator and her staff many lessons on how to additionally support their children. Never stop reaching out. We welcome it and we so value your input. Enjoy these precious children they are truly a gift that can keep on giving to your family and the world.  Thank you!


Linda A. Phillips, Director