Reading/Language Arts
All elementary courses include comprehensive core Reading and Language Arts curriculum which focuses on Reading, Language Arts, and writing standards. The curriculum addresses the five areas of reading instruction: reading comprehension, phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, and vocabulary while focusing on 21st Century skills including critical thinking and problem solving: communication and collaboration; creativity and innovation; and technology.
All elementary courses focus on the NJSLS strands including Numbers and Operations; Measurement; Geometry; Patterns; Algebra, and Probability; Problem Solving; Communication; Mathematical Reasoning, and connections to Science, Social Studies, Engineering, Art and Technology (STEAM).
Science themes are covered through project based learning including topics in scientific thinking processes which include observation, communication, comparing, organizing, relating, inferences, and application. NJSLS strands may include: Biology, Life Science; Earth and Space Science; Physical Science and Technology; Scientific Reasoning, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM).
Social Studies
Social Studies themes are covered through project based learning including topics on developing an understanding of how, as noted in the New Jersey Social Studies introduction, cultural differences impact the interpretation of events at the local, state, national and international levels. The NJSLS curriculum in Grades K-8 will include foundational content in the strands of History, Geography, Economics, and Civics while also being infused in the core subjects of Reading, Language, Writing, Mathematics, Science, Technology, and Civic Literacy.
Physical Education and Health
The curriculum is based on New Jersey’s Physical Education and Health standards. Topics include:
Vocabulary and elements to improve performance
Proficiency in movement
Manipulative skills
Health-enhancing individual fitness
Personal responsibility
Positive social interaction
Respect for diversity in physical activity settings
Personal health skills and overall wellness
Healthy eating habits
Physical activity
Detection of health problems
Substances: How they change your body, safety precautions to personal injuries, peer pressure and communication skills.